
Veš, kaj dihaš?

Projekt se osredotoča na kakovost zraka, ki pomembno vpliva na okolje in zdravje ljudi. Povišane koncentracije delcev (PM)


Carbon Farming MED

Projekt Carbon Farming MED je namenjen pomoči sredozemskim državam pri izpolnjevanju podnebnih ciljev EU za leto 2035, s


Food Odyssey

The Food Odyssey Project is an innovative initiative funded by the Erasmus+ Programme and created by a diverse consortium


EcoFootprint Romania

The general goal of the EcoFootprint Romania project is to enable Romanian teachers to successfully convey the principles of sustainable


Ljubljana Glacier

Ljubljanski ledenik (the Ljubljana Glacier) is an innovative, interactive urban orientation that seeks to raise public awareness about the dangers of heat waves.


Sustainable NGOs

The Sustainable NGOs project aims to raise awareness about climate change and environmental challenges among young people in the youth sector, in alignment with European and


Ven za zdravje

The Ven za zdravje (Outside for Health) programme is aimed at various target groups, addressing them with the presentation of key aspects




The importance of evaluating the success of publicly funded projects is growing, not only in terms of scientific outcomes



The CleanAir4Health project is an international endeavour that combines research and awareness-raising initiatives.



Through the Youth Advocacy of Environment and Health (YAEH!) project, our goal is to empower youth


Training for Young Influencers

The Institute for Health and Environment has already organised two editions of the Training for Young Influencers, featuring two Slovenian influencers, Nik Škrlec and Gašper Bergant.


Ker alkohol ni mleko

The Ker alkohol ni mleko (Because Alcohol Is Not Milk) initiative was launched in 2018 through a partnership of ongoing project stakeholders. Recent research and prior activities


Preventivna platforma

The Prevent Platform programme aims to develop a comprehensive approach to prevention from 2020 to 2022. It will combine most of the applicant's programme activities and upgrade past work.

Recimo ne odvisnosti

Recimo ne odvisnosti

Our programme Recimo NE odvisnosti (Say NO to Addiction) has been in operation since 2017, with co-financing from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia. In 2019, the programme



The programme Heroji (Heroes) is coordinated by the Vozim Institute and co-funded by the Ministry of Health. The programme includes several activities such as

Brez izgovora 2020-2022

No Excuse 2020–2022

The Institute partners with the "No Excuse" project, co-funded by the Ministry of Health under the Health Protection and Promotion Programme for 2020–2022.