Institute for Health and Environment

Institute for Health and Environment

Institute for Health and Environment actively operates in the fields of health and the environment, with a special focus on air quality and climate change. Through our work, we strive to promote open dialogue with a diverse range of stakeholders in society.

Our initiatives are designed to empower public health and environmental processes and to encourage innovative approaches in the field of sustainable development. Don’t miss out on our activities and join us in co-creating a healthier and greener future for all!


The Institute for Health and Environment envisions a future built on an inclusive and connected society where well-being and progress are founded on the principles of health and a clean environment. Our goal is a world where every individual has the opportunity and capability to engage in socially and environmentally vital activities while leading a healthy and eco-friendly lifestyle.


Healthy and sustainable lifestyles



Active participation

Critical thinking

Team strength and partnerships

Personal growth


The IHE is a public interest organisation. Our mission is to promote sustainable development goals by collaborating across sectors and working closely with civil society in the fields of health and environment. We achieve this by fostering effective communication, building connections between diverse stakeholders, and promoting engagement from all segments of society. 

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Na Inštitutu za zdravje in okolje (prej Inštitut za mladinsko participacijo, zdravje in trajnostni razvoj – IMZTR) namreč vidimo prihodnost v vključujoči in povezani družbi, v kateri blaginja in napredek temeljita na vrednotah zdravja in čistega okolja. Stremimo k svetu, kjer ima vsak posameznik možnost in sposobnost udejstvovati se v družbeno in okoljsko pomembnih procesih ter živeti zdravo in okolju prijazno.