Sustainable NGOs

The Sustainable NGOs project aims to raise awareness about climate change and environmental challenges among young people in the youth sector, in alignment with European and global strategic documents. Its goal is to empower the youth sector for sustainable and green transition, by improving the green skills of young people, youth workers, and leaders, and supporting them in changing their own habits and behaviours. The project aims to enable them to become change agents, not just within their youth organisations, but also in their communities and society at large.

The project's three primary outcomes, intended to empower organisations and individuals, will be:

  • A web-based educational module for developing or upgrading green skills, focusing on individuals' requirements for knowledge about the environment, ecological footprint, climate change, ways of adapting to them, and an environmentally friendly lifestyle;
  • A tool for measuring the degree of environmental sustainability of organisational activities;
  • Guidelines and recommendations for sustainable organisational operation.

Project duration: From March 2023 to February 2025

Project partners: Inštitut za zdravje in okolje (Slovenia), GEYC (Romania), Interpreta natura (Spain)

Associated project partner: PRISMA European Network

Project Activities (2023)

Sustainable NGOs Report: How the Youth NGOs See and Practice Sustainability

This report unveils the findings of a study conducted across three partner countries of the project: Slovenia, Spain, and Romania. The primary objective of this research was to delve into the perspectives of youth non-governmental organisations regarding sustainability and their endeavours to advance sustainable development and environmental conservation.

Our analysis encompassed their experiences in realms such as collaborating with decision-makers, fostering eco-friendly skills, engaging young individuals in environmental matters, and pinpointing exemplary approaches for attaining sustainability.

International Training in Romania

In September 2023, a diverse group of young leaders and youth workers from Romania, Slovenia, and Spain got together for a comprehensive three-day international training in Bran, Romania.

The primary objective of this training initiative was to collectively explore solutions to the pressing question of how youth organisations and young individuals can actively engage in addressing global environmental challenges while championing the cause of a green transition. Throughout the training programme, project partners further introduced participants to the pilot versions of all three tools designed to educate and facilitate the adoption of sustainable practices within the youth non-governmental sector. These tools encompassed an educational online module, guidelines for implementing sustainable actions, and a carbon footprint calculator tailored specifically for non-governmental organisations.

You can read more about the project here.

Sustainability Guide for Youth NGOs

Ta uporaben vir je zasnovan z mislijo na opolnomočenje mladinskega sektorja in organizacij, da izboljšajo in nadgradijo svoje trajnostne prakse. Z njegovo pomočjo lahko aktivno prispevate k okolju in družbi ter spodbujate trajnostne pristope in inovacije v svoji organizaciji.  V smernicah boste našli tudi link to the carbon footprint calculator. The calculator was developed specifically for youth NGOs, enabling them to accurately measure the carbon footprint of their regular activities or projects.

As the guidelines and the calculator are currently in the testing phase, we would appreciate your feedback to help refine them further.

We invite you to share your thoughts and suggestions after reviewing the content via the provided link..

The project is being implemented and funded under the Erasmus+ KA2 programme.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

For more information about the project, please visit: