Ljubljana Glacier: blue spaces

The idea of artificial rain, known as the "Area With Ljubljana’s Own Weather" at Prešeren Square, was conceived by the late artist Zmago Modic (1, 2). This unique project was initiated in 2008 when Modic collaborated with the Municipality of Ljubljana to create artificial rain over the square during the summer months.

To inform pedestrians about the possibility of rain, two traffic signs are placed, reminding them to carry umbrellas during the summer. Since 2015, the Area With Ljubljana’s Own Weather has become an annual feature above Prešeren Square (2).

The cooling of Prešeren Square is significantly influenced by the nearby Ljubljanica River. With careful architectural planning, the river can bring cooling effects up to 30 metres inland, and the riverbank experiences the lowest temperatures. The presence of green, vegetated riverbanks leads to much lower temperatures during hot weather compared to banks made of materials like stone or concrete (3).

Water plays a crucial role in cooling strategies. Hanging damp cloths, such as towels, in living spaces, is an economically favourable method that provides a sense of lower temperature through evaporation. Additionally, taking cold showers multiple times a day is recommended during hot weather (4).

The Ljubljanski ledenik (Ljubljana Glacier) project is an initiative dedicated to raising awareness about the significance, impact, and protection against heat waves. Discover more valuable content on posters strategically placed throughout the city centre and by visiting the following link. The project is co-funded by the Municipality of Ljubljana.

(1) Be. B., 2019. Umrl je Zmago Modic. Delo.si. URL: https://www.delo.si/novice/crna-kronika/umrl-je-zmago-modic/
(2) 2015. Poletje v znamenju rekordnega števila vročih dni in hkrati “področja z lastnim vremenom v Ljubljani”. Visit Ljubljana. Visitljubljana.com. URL:https://www.visitljubljana.com/sl/obiskovalci/pisma-iz-ljubljane/avgust-2015/poletje-v-znamenju-rekordnega-stevila-vrocih-dni-in-hkrati-podrocja-z-lastnim-vremenom-v-ljubljani-3/
(3) Moyer, A. N., & Hawkins, T. W., 2017. River effects on the heat island of a small urban area. Urban Climate, 21, str. 262–277. DOI: 10.1016/j.uclim.2017.07.004
(4) NIJZ. Napotki prebivalcem za ravnanje v vročini, ko je med nami še vedno prisoten virus SARS-CoV-2. URL: https://nijz.si/moje-okolje/zrak/napotki-prebivalcem-za-ravnanje-v-vrocini-ko-je-med-nami-se-vedno-prisoten-virus-sars-cov-2/