Ljubljana Glacier: urban heat island

The area surrounding the main railway and bus station is one of the largest travel hubs in Ljubljana, where people commute to the city daily for work, leisure activities, and more. 

During the warmer months, this area manifests as one of the most scorching zones within the Ljubljana urban heat island (1). This phenomenon arises from the prevalence of developed spaces and the scarcity of green areas like parks, lawns, and tree-lined avenues. Consequently, the urban environment absorbs more heat than its surrounding outskirts, reaching its pinnacle during the hottest periods of the day and lingering well into the night, as the city cools down much more slowly compared to its surroundings. 

This phenomenon has diverse effects on human life and activities. Higher temperatures cause thermal stress on living organisms. The urban heat island intensifies the need for cooling, resulting in increased energy consumption and higher greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. As a result, the intensity of heat waves within urban heat islands is affected (2, 3).

The Ljubljanski ledenik (Ljubljana Glacier) project is an initiative dedicated to raising awareness about the significance, impact, and protection against heat waves. Discover more valuable content on posters strategically placed throughout the city centre and by visiting the following link. The project is co-funded by the Municipality of Ljubljana.

(1) Komac, B., Ciglič, R., Loose, A., Pavšek, M., Čermelj, S., Oštir, K., Kokalj, Ž., Topole, M., 2016. Urban Heat Island in the Ljubljana City. V: Musco, F. (ur.). Counteracting Urban Heat Island Effects in a Global Climate Change Scenario. Singapur: Springer., str. 223–344. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-10425-6_12
(2) United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2023. Heat Islands. URL: https://www.epa.gov/heatislands/heat-island-impacts#water (citrano 6. 4. 2023).
(3) Sachindra, D. A., Muthukumaran, A. W. M. Ng, S., Perera, B. J. C. Impact of climate change on urban heat island effect and extreme temperatures: a case-study. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 142, 694, str. 172–186. DOI: 10.1002/qj.2642